Online in 20min = D

I'll be back in 30min = D

Online in 20 minutes ... = D

Good night

Good nighteeee = D
Face as 23hrs = D
Good night
Guys ... if you come to my office, don't be ashamed to chat (if it's of interest to you) besides watching. I notice that a lot of people come in and don't interact. If the reason is the small amount of credits, just as we models (as) usually say that we are not robots for the fact that we will not do everything quickly and without an ounce of atmosphere, to answer for me, I also say that I am not one that will be here just to answer whoever is going to give me some money back. Obviously that is the objective here, but when it comes to an issue that involves climate, sex, desires, desires, behavior, etc., I am also open to a good exchange of ideas and I will not fail to pay attention or treat those who, politely, have any interest in me as a model, person, etc. So, if you have made it this far, feel free to chat, chat, ask ... I cannot guarantee to be as receptive as possible 100% of the time, but when I can I will always be attending to everyone in whatever way the situation of each allowing and sometimes needing. Remember, it's not the amount of credits that will define who you are or the way I'm going to treat you, but your behavior and attitude towards me. So, welcome to my office!

I'll be back in 30 minutes: D
Congratulations São Paulo! s2
Well, another year goes by ... and only the feeling of gratitude is left to all !!! ... Happy New Year, dear ones !!! That this year we can have many orgas hahaha !! Zueira .. Jokes aside, I want to wish you all an excellent 2020, may God cover each one of prosperity, achievements and health !! A thousand kisses and appear to enjoy the last day of the year in the best way! lol
Face as 8:00 ..: D
Vote for me !!! rsrsr I never asked for anything ... Thank you !!! s2