Many girls warned me about this moment, I often found myself wondering if I was worthy of it. And he arrived in an inexplicable way. Incredible to think how much the result of my delivery would take me to reach… the secret? My transparency perhaps? My sincerity? The girl you see in chats is a real life girl. I don't know how to be different and I don't know how to be a not ME. This friend in particular, became remarkable since the first chat we met, and I'm sure he's a person I'll take with me for life. A bond that didn't need nudity of body, but nudity of soul. Many times I was in doubt to continue, if I was following the right path. But this month some remarkable things happened for me here, hitting 1K and this alliance were some of them. I had never experienced such remarkable and emotional moments and I am very grateful to you for that. I knew that my intensity would take me to a special place and here I discover it daily. Thank you so much! 🥰💜

roprbr 😍😍😍