New Queen Subscribe

  • 303 Reviews
4245 Followers 1436 Likes
Last Seen: 23 hours ago
New Queen Offline Last Seen: 23 hours ago

New Queen Subscribe

  • 303 Reviews
4245 Followers 1436 Likes
Last Seen: 23 hours ago
New Queen

New Queen


What if we could transport ourselves to another dimension without leaving the place? What if we could touch each other by closing our eyes? What if our entire life happened in the blink of an eye? What if we could dance among the stars, Sail on seas of memories and dreams, Where time dissolves into sighs, And the past and the future intertwine in a single moment? What if love manifested itself in colors, Painting the walls of our solitude, Each touch a symphony, Each look a universe to be explored? What if life were a mirror, Reflecting the desires we hold, And when we close our eyes, We could see what we really are? We would be navigators of our own souls, Discovering what is deepest, And in the silence, the voices of those we love, Would echo in every heartbeat. #nature
