Nefer Subscribe

  • 739 Reviews
10421 Followers 14240 Likes
Last Seen: 16 hours ago
Nefer Offline Last Seen: 16 hours ago

Nefer Subscribe

  • 739 Reviews
10421 Followers 14240 Likes
Last Seen: 16 hours ago



Hello my loves, I came here through this post to thank everyone for dedicating their time and energy to our delicious encounters, whether it was just for a chat or the most extreme of sluttyness, now I'm TOP 5% of the entire site🏅. I'm very proud of my evolution, those who have been following me for a while know the very difficult phase I was going through and in the meantime I saw that you are also my strength, my gas, that "spark" that always keeps me motivated, happy, determined and always wanting to learn new things to be able to make a difference for you. Thank you all, you are amazing and you have all my love, each one special to me in their own way ❤️

sds2018 Congratulations! You'll be in the top 1 soon!
obgdaaa! I don't know. 09/26/2024