Hi beautiful from Nabru, sorry for the absence!! Nabru decided to get the flu 2x in a row apparently lol. Soon I should be back and I'm counting on you once again 😜💋
Hi my beautiful ones, Nabrux was away this week because of the flu, but I'll be right back!! Soon I'll say hello and if there's a lot of interaction I'll stay 💟🥰

Loves, I miss you 💟 My bastards !! 😈

Thank you so much to all my loves for today!! It was a great first day
Hi loves, Nabru is back !! 🥰
NaBru is going to muca now babies. Then Nabru comes back!! Thank you for the wonderful reception 💦
Good morning loves, I'll be entering now!! Come give me a hi 🥰
Sorry guys 😔 tomorrow I should arrive with Cam working 😘
Nabru webcam problems ;-; trying to solve...