Thank you for visiting and spending your valuable time reading me. When we chat, make sure it meets your expectations so that no one ends up frustrated. I have no interest in eating your credits and the platform is not a job, but one of the forms of entertainment that I chose to meet incredible people, which happens to be profitable. My frequency of access depends on MY interest and the good connections I create here, when I miss a user and our times become memories that will be reaffirmed with each new encounter. In the free chat, I'll just say hi. I don't put up with abusive people who bring up the subject and embarrass me, so if you want to talk, call me at one of the other 3, but don't insist on making me uncomfortable because you will definitely pay for it in a big way and in the time spent. To those who arrive in good faith, willing to experience someone for real, it is for the chance of this luck that I launch our meeting into destiny ❤️
Rodolfofo Where are you my love?