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Mistress Iza Subscribe

  • 263 Reviews
6599 Followers 5879 Likes
Last Seen: 25 minutes ago
Mistress Iza

Mistress Iza


The expression “sexy without being vulgar” works perfectly to describe a #PIN-UP. “They were models who printed sexy posters with an aesthetic of their own in the 40s and 50s. Pin-ups became popular in World War II, when American soldiers hung their posters in the barracks (hence the name “pin-up”, which means "to fasten with thumbtacks" in English). The concept of pin-up girls was quite clear: they were sexy and innocent at the same time. The real pin-up could never be vulgar or offered, only inviting. Assured by the sophisticated traits coming from the art-nouveau movement, they wore pieces of clothing that subtly showed long legs, defined waists and some breasts. Strength, attitude and femininity are outstanding characteristics. (...) They established a style of subtle eroticism that is revered to this day. Aesthetics suggested, at the same time, NAUGHTY and INNOCENCE. There is no nudity, but the image conveys sensuality indirectly thanks to body language. It highlights typically feminine parts, such as the curves of the hips, the red lips, the thighs and the hair. At this time, the dress had already shortened its length, showing from the knee down. Showing thighs was subversive. Being photographed naked, then, indecent exposure. In this way, pencil and ink shaped these women, affectionately called “secret weapons” by American soldiers on the battlefields of World War II. (That is, they turned photos into paintings in a subsertive way) To cheer up soldiers on the battlefronts, pin-ups needed to show that life was beautiful. That's why makeup served to enhance your health. Vibrant colors and good lighting created good lighting created a happy atmosphere. “Today, light and make-up are also essential to guarantee the retro look”, says photographer Ricardo Ferrari, owner of the Garota Pin-Up website. The camgirls and sexywork can therefore be considered the current PIN UP's, in the digital version!

luis-fe-45186 Whether you come from heaven or hell, what does it matter, O Beauty! enormous, frightening, ingenuous monster! If your eye, your mouse, your foot, open for me the door To an Infinite that I love and have never known? Hymn to beauty (Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du mal)
Mistress Iza
Thank you very much my beloved ago12d