MALE PROVISION; I see clearly that the figure of a woman carries within herself an almost superhuman strength. She is the safe haven, the beacon, the one who guides, welcomes and, often, sustains dreams and entire lives with her determination. But, as brave as I may be, there is a minimum desire/demand that echoes in my heart: to be cared for, protected and, above all, to ADMIRE THE MAN BY MY SIDE. When a man earns less than me and when he does not demonstrate a genuine desire to grow, to lead, to become more; he loses something in my eyes: his VIRILITY, the ability to be seen as a provider and protector. It is not JUST about money, but about the sense of leadership, commitment and emotional security that the act of proving oneself symbolizes. Why does this matter? Because feminine nature admires masculine strength: I have always admired men who lead, who take on responsibilities without hesitation. When a man stands up with strength and determination, my heart naturally tends to admire him. #beautifulblonde