Miss Simpatia Offline Send a message Notify me when online Report Cancel Mini vacation in Serra Gaúcha 💕 I'll be back soon ❄️ 1 28 likes 06/15/2023 Publish iel-80388 I'm very close. And even more so with this chill. With a wine, I would only ask for you. For me to choose the grape. What do you say? Iel 06/17/2023 We enjoyed the same cold and rain lol the only thing missing was the wine 06/18/2023 sincero-sc I miss you girl with the solar smile 05/27/2024 cristian420 Make mouth water... 06/22/2023 Jordan-Killian In my humble opinion it is a place that suits you... 06/16/2023 I loved it I can agree 😍💗 06/18/2023
iel-80388 I'm very close. And even more so with this chill. With a wine, I would only ask for you. For me to choose the grape. What do you say? Iel