01/20/2025I am much more than you... Can you see! The glass mirror reflects Only what your eyes see And yet you can't see The depth of my soul I'm not here for anyone But human audacity hurts me I didn't choose to hurt myself like this So stop now I am more than you want! I have feelings I'm not a robot So don't treat me like I am For your amusement When you don't see I laugh, I cry I just want to find happiness My soul is so strong To bear all of this But I could ask for a little empathy Where is the kindness? Day by day, people Are more aggressive And seem to objectify that mirror more I want to break I just want to be seen as I am! Labels are so heavy You can't tell me how I should live The path I chose is mine alone I won't lose my faith... My soul, my dreams My fight is bigger than anything Your rotten looks Drive me Make me fall and get up Each day stronger That's how I live