Mireya Gilbert Subscribe

  • 1628 Reviews
6449 Followers 6619 Likes
Last Seen: 19 hours ago
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Mireya Gilbert Subscribe

  • 1628 Reviews
6449 Followers 6619 Likes
Last Seen: 19 hours ago

Christmas came. With him our hopes, our new dreams. That our hopes are always alive, and that our dreams become reality. And that this Christmas love, faith and hope are present in each of us, that every single day of the year that is about to begin we are enlightened. That this Christmas we can review our past to improve our future. May God bless us and shine with his light before us, opening the way for us to Him! That the coming year be a year of accomplishments, achievements, success and love to be always taken into every heart. These are my votes. Merry Christmas to you my dear friends and customers Camera Prive ...

2013 .. A year where many things are revealed. A year of trials, sorrows, joys, victories and changes. A totally different year. A year of twists and events. Where I met wonderful people, where I met the true meaning of the word HUMILITY .. Where you are is much more valuable than people who only care about themselves what you have. People who really made a difference and I miss you. All very confusing had over the full assurance that the world is evolving every day, every hour, and every minute .. My FAMILY good times, bad times, more than I know they'll always be with me every second that pass . I'm only pretty sure that my Father and my Mother are simply the two most important people in my life. I regret certain actions and that every time I try to give as much of me .. my friends had the best of them always together .. Where we discover the value of friendship and that will always be near or far BROTHERS .. That this new year we are always together even if it is by FAR a year of changes. Where dreams become reality. Love, Health, Joy and much much Peace Wishing you all .. May God Bless You Always .. Happy 2014

This Christmas, I can remember those who live in war, and they do a prayer for peace. I can remember those who hate, and they do a prayer of love. I can forgive all who have hurt me, and they do a prayer of forgiveness. I remember the desperate, and they do a prayer of hope. I forget the sorrows of the year ending, and pray with joy. I can believe that the world can still be better, and make for him a prayer of faith. Thank you Lord for food, when so many go hungry year. By having health when so many are suffering at this time. By having a home when so many sleep on the streets. Why be happy when so many mourn in solitude. By having love, how many live in hate. For my peace when so many live the horror of war.

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