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Last Seen: 2 days ago

Mimi Hot Subscribe

  • 39 Reviews
880 Followers 328 Likes
Last Seen: 2 days ago

I've already told you all of your qualities, especially your authenticity and your way of living life, so here's an excerpt to reflect on: β€œIn life, sometimes we find someone who can do us so much good, that we want to stop time so it doesn't end. that moment. That makes us feel perfect just for talking to that person. And that someone is yourself. Beautiful, wonderful, a unique woman and above all the best company in the world. You have no idea how happy I am to have the privilege of spending this time with you. Our time together is the best, because we talk about everything and it's always a happy and productive conversation. I feel so good with you that I would like to stop time so that this moment never ends, but I can never control time, much less I miss you every second, I remember you with every song because we like the same styles , I even sigh when I see someone who looks like you on the street, and I think she is real, she is real. Kisses and live your life.

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