Midôri Japinha

  • 3591 Reviews
23527 Followers 11272 Likes
Last Seen: 7 hours ago
Midôri Japinha Offline Last Seen: 7 hours ago

Midôri Japinha

  • 3591 Reviews
23527 Followers 11272 Likes
Last Seen: 7 hours ago
Camera Prive

Camera Prive

Special message

Parabéns, Midori japinha! Há 3 anos, você fazia sua grande estreia no site. De lá pra cá foram muitos shows, muitas conquistas e, claro, muitos Seguidores e Crushes apaixonados. E todos concordam com a gente: é um prazer enorme fazer parte da sua história.

Camera Prive
ricksexxx-55067 Congratulations my beautiful Japinha ... You deserve all the glories ... Perfect service, loving, beautiful, friendly, there is no way not to fall in love with you, thank you for all the affection you always had with me ... A bjo ... Te love ... 💜💜💜
Midôri Japinha
Thank you my love, I miss you s2 s2 11/16/2020
carlos-94364 Midori, I've only known you for 9 days, just a few hours of chat, but I identified with you to such an extent that it's as if we were old friends! You are beautiful, attractive and I love hearing your calm and gentle voice, especially because you have something to say! Bjs.
Midôri Japinha
Most beautiful thing **, I also consider you pakas rs. I hope we can celebrate when you can come again, nor did I remember it was hj hauaha, in my head it was the 20th haha. Love you saw s2 11/15/2020