Midôri Japinha

  • 3755 Reviews
24555 Followers 11442 Likes
Last Seen: 6 hours ago
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Midôri Japinha

  • 3755 Reviews
24555 Followers 11442 Likes
Last Seen: 6 hours ago
Midôri Japinha

Midôri Japinha


“Once in a while, just once in a while you meet someone with a presence and electricity that matches yours on the spot, and at that time it's usually a stranger. It was 3 or 4 years ago I was walking down Sunset Boulevard towards Vermont when a block away I noticed a woman coming towards me there was something in her posture and in her gait that attracted me. As we got closer the intensity increased and I suddenly knew her whole story: she had lived her whole life with men who had never really known her. when she got close i almost got dizzy i could hear her footsteps as she got close. I looked into her face she was as beautiful as I thought she would be. As we passed our eyes fucked and made love and sang to each other and then she passed me. I was walking without looking back Then when I looked back she was gone. What is one to do in a world where almost everything worth having or doing is impossible? I went into a cafe and decided that if I ever saw her again I would say “please listen, I just need to talk to you…” I never saw her again and I will never see her again. The rigidity of our society silences a man's heart and when you silence a man's heart you ultimately leave him with only a penis. “Buk- Damn god ripping these poems out of my head

sammyinskyy If you don't take her to the doctor, it's important! What a busy day my love, I hope you're okay! Really! What a busy day!! I didn't know you made videos like this! And I saw you were in chat! I hope everything went well my love ❤️! I hope you can sleep