Mel Hawt Subscribe

  • 64 Reviews
1081 Followers 743 Likes
Last Seen: June 15, 2024
Mel Hawt Offline Last Seen: June 15, 2024

Mel Hawt Subscribe

  • 64 Reviews
1081 Followers 743 Likes
Last Seen: June 15, 2024

Let's reflect - "Some people accuse us of being mercenaries because we don't like to make small talk, they don't understand that the erotic segment brings a lot of demand, many curious people, but everyone who is a mere curious, In fact, it will be consuming time that I should be spending with those who are going to pay me. This one, who just wants to make small talk, will directly be harming me, because my time is also spent on recovering the investment I made." - Madu Drummond. (The size of sex). Every rule has its exception. Are there those who become customers? Yes definitely. And that statement doesn't mean that we don't like to talk, but that we do as long as we get paid for our time. Particularly, I love to talk and I love to treat those who chat well, as long as they are my crushes and reciprocate whenever they can!!! --- >> But to those who are just curious, don't even start a conversation if you don't have future intentions to be my crushes!!! Kisses!

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