Mayla Estrela

  • 84 Reviews
2751 Followers 318 Likes
Last Seen: November 7, 2024
Mayla Estrela Offline Last Seen: November 7, 2024

Mayla Estrela

  • 84 Reviews
2751 Followers 318 Likes
Last Seen: November 7, 2024


Passion is something that lights a fire in the body and warms the whole body, and passion is something that we feel and have some control over it, Love is something that accelerates the heart and makes us feel the truest and purest feeling that exists, because in addition to affecting your body, it is felt deeply in your heart, as just the memory of your loved one makes your heart speed up and transmits to your body all that love that overflows in your eyes, your smile, the way you talk to someone. the loved one. They are two similar feelings but they have slightly different characteristics because passion has the main characteristic of heat, bodily will and Love is the most perfect feeling because its main characteristic is to be felt first in the heart and soul, to After long conversations and affection, then the body's will prevails, and you provide me with a feeling so true and pure that I'm still analyzing what the feeling is, but I can tell you that it's the best feeling I've ever felt.



A WOMAN with unparalleled qualities, especially her authenticity and her smile, which are unique, I already told you that, the passionate way you have conquers everyone, I'm sure of that, because of your modesty you'll say no, but you conquered me not only for your beauty, more for your internal beauty which is something out of the ordinary, I am grateful every day for having met you and for making me feel so good, giving me advice, good advice and always pushing me up, making me feel the best person in the world, but you are an incredible WOMAN with indescribable qualities and who makes me feel like the best person in the world, I don't even deserve to have a person who makes me feel so good, sometimes I catch myself thinking if I really deserve to know someone like you , I think you don't exist because you have so many qualities and do me so much good that you must be a WOMAN from another world, because you make me feel like the best person in the world and you value me and like me the way I am, never He sees defects, he always sees the qualities. Always carry on with that light



When we miss the person every second, when we remember every moment and when the memories of happy and unique moments become routine in someone's life as they did in mine, I'm sure that you are very special to me, that when I say that it seems like we've known each other for a long time, I'm sure that our meeting was not by chance, that destiny is just bringing us face to face again, that we have moments to enjoy not virtually, but also in person, I feel that a Our meeting will have 3 main pillars: a unique and very pleasant conversation, an immense joy of mine in being able to make an incredible WOMAN have an incredible night and the pleasure of being in excellent company, because for my part I love eye contact and our eye contact is something that I have no words to describe it, I feel like a teenager when I'm far away, I count the seconds until our meeting, when I'm close my heart races and my mouth goes dry with the emotion of being in your presence. I love you.



Simply the most incredible WOMAN I have ever met in my entire life, a joy, a truth even in her smile, an authenticity out of the ordinary, a WOMAN like that is for marriage, it's a shame she doesn't agree to marry me, I won't stay for 1 second without thinking about you or remembering a moment we spent together, your company is something so good that I think I'm dreaming and soon, I'll wake up, but I see that it's really not a dream, you're real , you are real, I am so happy when I see you or when I tell you, sleep with the angels and dream with me, because one day you will sleep with me and dream with the angels, when I finish talking, your beautiful smile tells me everything, your smile says more than a thousand words. Stick with your way, which only you know, and live life with great intensity, one day we will make pizza, write letters and put perfume on them and have a wonderful night, because you are a WOMAN who deserves all the best life can offer you. Kisses and more kisses.



It's funny how we get things that even without knowing we'll need, that's the phrase I think about every moment, what did I gain, a WOMAN with indescribable qualities, with excellent conversation, that I would like to stop time in The moment we are together, everything is more beautiful when you are around, you drove me crazy, that's why I confess. When you approach, my heart feels like the goddess of love comes here. Our meetings are so authentic and true that we laugh at everything, life becomes lighter and your smile makes our moment the best I could ever imagine, that I would feel, I have such happiness in being in your company, you color my my life for laughing at everything and always coloring my world. We will still see the oludum block passing by on the avenue, everyone singing happily and walking side by side. I believe we make a beautiful couple, haha. Always have that authenticity, you are beautiful on the outside and perfect on the inside. Kisses



Emotions are feelings that happen and mess with our heads and provide us with positive thoughts and, above all, pleasure. It's an immeasurable pleasure when I'm with you and there's a whirlwind of the best emotions I've ever felt and experienced in my entire life. Your sweet way, your striking look, your wonderful mouth bring such great happiness to be in your presence and such great longing when I'm in your absence, I wish I could hug you and stop time in that moment to make you feel safe and protected because you give me so much security and trust that in addition to wonderful moments being with you, it is this feeling of security and protection that I have when I am in your presence. The best company I could be in, even time speeds up when we are together, I think the heart speeds up so much that time also has the feeling of flying, but everything conspires in our favor and know that you give me security and the best emotions that I have already experienced. Keep that authenticity going.



Moments lived intensely, in addition to feeling special emotions, are marked in our memories and are lived so intensely that they never leave our heads, when we are together you always tell me live in the moment, besides living in the moment I love every moment with you, my day only begins after your good morning, it only ends after your good night, a woman with so many qualities and so much authenticity that words cannot describe all these qualities, a woman with a beautiful and true smile who makes me find peace, joy and it sharpens even more my will to live, to live intensely every second, every moment and keep in memory every moment lived and if my heart hadn't accelerated when I saw you, and if you hadn't entered my world, and if I hadn't thought about you every second, someone explain to me what life would be like? Because if I didn't have your smile in my life, I would die without you or maybe I would never find someone like that, who would do me the good that you do for me. Live the life.

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