Maya Shakti Subscribe

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Last Seen: 57 minutes ago
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Maya Shakti Subscribe

  • 160 Reviews
4146 Followers 1435 Likes
Last Seen: 57 minutes ago
Maya Shakti

Maya Shakti


Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within himself or around him, and thus loses all respect for himself and others. And having no respect, he ceases to love, and to occupy himself and entertain himself without love, he gives in to gross passions and pleasures, and sinks into bestiality in his vices, all by continually lying to other men and to himself . The man who lies to himself can be offended more easily than anyone else. You know that sometimes it's very pleasant to be offended, don't you? A man may know that no one insulted him, but that he invented the insult for himself, lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, caught a word and turned a molehill into a mountain, he himself knows this, but he will be the first to takes offense and will delight in his resentment until he takes great pleasure in it, thus moving on to genuine revenge.
