Maya Louise

  • 63 Reviews
2099 Followers 900 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago
Maya Louise Offline Last Seen: 4 days ago

Maya Louise

  • 63 Reviews
2099 Followers 900 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago
Maya Louise

Maya Louise


How much of your day do you close your eyes and breathe deeply, feeling your purest presence? How much of your day does love overflow within your chest for the simple fact that you exist? How much of your day do you pause to contemplate what's around you? Feeling gratitude for everything and so much? We live on automatic. The energy that leaves you is the same energy that will always return to you. Awaken, vibrate, feel grateful and choose what makes your heart vibrate! 🧘🏽‍♀️✨
