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Last Seen: 4 days ago

Maskriquex Subscribe

  • 50 Reviews
424 Followers 148 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago

This is another level, beautiful body, beautiful face, high spirits, high energy! It's been days since I came to see his ad and every day the same question asked, is that all my comrades write here! My dears, this is all and much more! I felt very welcomed by him, polite, knows how to speak and listen. He asks the right questions at the right time, he doesn't just fuck with the body, but with the psychology, he's much younger than me, but his mind is good and much ahead of his age! I left the flat thinking about everything I had experienced, and I tell you at the age of 38, I discovered that I know nothing! Come back to São Paulo soon, my beautiful boy! I became your fan because of the person you are!
