About me
I'm not linear, I'm not a finished person, I don't want labels or ready-made scripts, there is no beginning or end in me. I exist. I'm not a product, I'm just a heart. Labels and denominations destroy the true meaning of things. I live in an environment that seems eternal to me. A medium that makes me write, be and change every day. If I started writing my life, it would be like this: My name is..., I am ellipsis. I am the unspoken. I am emotion and desire. Words are my antidote. Anti-monotony, anti all the love that is not there. No labels, no adjectives. Just movement, let go. Who knows, maybe even disjointed. The breakdown of the field of probabilities and the direction of looking at possibilities. The search for “being” is no longer...
- Brazil Nationality
- Mars Location
- 24 years Age
- Inglês / Espanhol / Português Language
Thank you my love 11/27/2023