⚡ Oops!... I Did It Again ⚡ “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein Creativity is the greatest form of rebellion in existence. If you want to create, you have to get rid of all conditioning; otherwise, your creativity will be nothing more than mere imitation, it will be a simple copy of something. You can be creative only as an individual, you cannot be creative as part of the psychology of the masses. The collective mentality lacks creativity; its members lead boring lives; they don't really know the dance, the melody, the joy; They are mechanical beings. The person who intends to be creative cannot follow the same path as others, a path that is excessively trodden and beaten. She has to discover her own path, she has to search in the jungles of life. She has to walk alone; You have to be a non-conformist with the values of mass psychology, of collective mentality. (Osho)
1 3:01
jumbolino This text confirms so much about the unique, special and brilliant person that you are. You are a revolution in so many things. The masterpiece of evolution. You are TOO FUCKING!