Maria Flor

  • 6276 Reviews
31550 Followers 11642 Likes
Last Seen: 5 hours ago
Maria Flor Offline Last Seen: 5 hours ago

Maria Flor

  • 6276 Reviews
31550 Followers 11642 Likes
Last Seen: 5 hours ago

For the user ** EDITO PELA ADM **: You entered with another nick, it was the first thing you told me. Clearly strange, clearly you wanted to make a bad comment for me, I didn't ask for 50 reais for a toy, I asked because I really do, it's my right to ask and your right if you want to give. I said I wasn't going to put on JUMP or use a toy, if I wanted to go out, I could, make that clear. You only stayed to make that comment. I'm sorry for you, you're a frustrated, asshole, childish H, wasting your time here to do that. If you want to deposit, just call here on the direct, I don't want you to go hungry now, poor guy. But try to see porn, it will be the way you want it. Because at the beginning I told you that I was not going to do it and that I could leave without any problem. He stayed because he wanted to, or rather, he stayed because he wanted to do this here. You must be alone for that, boyish attitude ... but it doesn't hurt me, I don't care, it was the time I called: D. Don't waste your time coming back with another nick again, as you know.

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