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Last Seen: April 3, 2024

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Last Seen: April 3, 2024

I find it funny that; one comments bad, then the people start saying badly back !! lol .. Lack of what to do !? it will be!? for me this is boio lise !! because I know exactly how my shows are !! they are exactly as I described on my profile !! If you can not read, the problem is no longer mine !!! # DIKADODIA (BECAUSE TA FODA TODAY !!) anyway ... I wonder sometimes: how the women of these men are treated !? They should be frustrated with something in their lives, to treat a person like that !!, even if I'm paying for it, I'm a person, for those who do not know yet !! nothing perfect, but that is working to live !! because even if we work here, even if you are paying, even if I have that gives you pleasure, I also want it to be pleasurable, funny as it is !! because I am a PERSON rs, I am not recording porn video !! Call pro chat and already ask to TAKE CLOTHING, what fun or horny in that !! start moaning in 1 second chat !? What is the logic of this !? Is not it easier to see for free on the net !? Do they get horny with our pretense!?, Because it is LOGIC that I will be pretending like this! I'm going to talk a thousand times here until I'm past the limit of the day and I'll always stick to the profile, because I'm going to make it clear that EDUCATION is not synonymous with wanting to be your friend. To have a nice relationship in the chat, in my chat ... I want yes, at least a short interaction to have a nice enjoyment, because we will not force the bar that I will enjoy in 15 20 seconds right! I can not please everybody, I know that !! and good, because I'm being myself !! but I know there are days I do things here that I do not always do, just to please someone or help in some situation !! MF
