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Last Seen: 6 days ago

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  • 110 Reviews
1807 Followers 176 Likes
Last Seen: 6 days ago

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Hoje é dia de comemoração!

Parabéns, Mari liz! Há 2 anos, você fazia sua grande estreia no site. De lá pra cá foram muitos shows, muitas conquistas e, claro, muitos Seguidores e Crushes apaixonados. E todos concordam com a gente: é um prazer enorme fazer parte da sua história.

cristian420 Congratulations babe



When we miss the person every second, when we remember every moment and when the memories of happy and unique moments become routine in someone's life as they did in mine, I'm sure that you are very special to me, that when I say that it seems like we've known each other for a long time, I'm sure that our meeting was not by chance, that destiny is just bringing us face to face again, that we have moments to enjoy not virtually, but also in person, I feel that a Our meeting will have 3 main pillars: a unique and very pleasant conversation, an immense joy of mine in being able to make an incredible WOMAN have an incredible night and the pleasure of being in excellent company, because for my part I love eye contact and our eye contact is something that I have no words to describe it, I feel like a teenager when I'm far away, I count the seconds until our meeting, when I'm close my heart races and my mouth goes dry with the emotion of being in your presence. I love you.




Look, I don't know what to say about this woman girl, an incredible person who just by talking makes me feel like the best person in the world, it makes me feel so good that I think I'm daydreaming, and I already have some life experience, a WOMAN girl who enchants just with his sincere and striking way and also has a passionate way. My beauty wanted to stop time in the moment we are together so she could contemplate this moment together and immortalize every moment we spent. A person becomes important in life because they are missed and I miss you so much, I think of you every second, every moment I think of you, contemplating the moment and living life in its entirety, know that you are special to me, I want to be able to meet this beautiful WOMAN in person, maybe one day I can have this pleasure, and know that I will be immensely happy to be able to meet the WOMAN who moved me so much and will make me feel like a happier person every day with so much happiness to be with you , in these beautiful moments.

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You have more than 100 Reviews!

cristian420 Congratulations
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