Maite 23

  • 391 Reviews
3271 Followers 1357 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
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Maite 23

  • 391 Reviews
3271 Followers 1357 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago


When there is an opportunity to see you, I will always stop what I am doing to be close to you for as long as I want, I love seeing you, I love feeling you, I love every detail of you, you do me so much good my princess, You are charming, I really admire you as a whole, may we always continue like this with this affinity we have and with this pleasure in talking!!! I love you



Our alliance is for life, it's no wonder that I always come here to spend these minutes by your side, to always prove to you and show you all the happiness we cause each other, when I say that you are special, I am being 100% true, You know how much I care about you and how much affection I can give you, you know that I will be with you whenever you need me!!! I love you princess



Everything with you is magical, everything with you is mesmerizing, you are a light in my day, which keeps shining brightly in my everyday life, the more time I spend with you, the more I want to spend, the more I want to hear you, the more I want you. see, but I want to feel you. Always very special, always a unique moment, it's impossible not to love you all the time, you're amazing!!! I love you!!!



The essence of our feeling brings me so much peace, so much happiness in my heart, every day I spend in her company I am completely sure that Maitê will be with me for life, I never forget how we met the first time and I will always carry her affection with me !!! I love you!!!



We may be far away, we may not see each other for a while, but we never lose touch, I miss you, but everything becomes even more exciting when you come back with that beautiful smile on your face and all that perfection, thank you for me do so well and feel loved in life!!! My heart beats stronger and stronger for you!!! I love you!!!❤️



When we see each other, I feel a genuine sensation of indescribable naturalness and companionship, I feel as if our harmony comes from other lives, other times. You have no idea what I feel when I have these moments with you, just the two of us, having fun in every way, I am in love with every detail of you, I will take you for life, always!!! I love you



And as it has already become my addiction, we here again seeing each other not talking giving us pleasure, if I could I would spend the whole day with you, whenever you want me, whenever you need me, I will be here for you, to have these wonderful moments that we spent together in my day!!! I love you!!!



Everything as always wonderful, you always leave me sighing and at ease, I never get tired of coming back and coming back here several times to see you, it's the satisfaction of my day, the reason I'm here whenever you want me, I'm crazy for you!!! I love you!!!



The most important thing of all that we can accomplish in all of our conversations is that we have each other's support for everything, we can always help each other, we can be happy and compassionate regardless of the moment. I know I can count on you and you know you can count on me. Reciprocity, complicity, respect and affection make our moments here unforgettable!!! I love you



Among all the things we talked about, among all the subjects we discussed, among all the affection and everything we experienced here, what is most evident is our complicity and the respect between men and women that we have, how we can feel something so good and delicious for each other, to be together in special moments for both of us regardless of everything, what matters is how much we enjoy being together, and I love being with you!!! Kisses my beauty!!!



Every moment I spend here with you seems to fly by, always so pleasurable, always so special and exciting, I feel such a strong affinity and harmony that it's inevitable that I always want to be here with you, it's these moments that make our lives lighter , peaceful and fulfilled, always grateful for every minute of your company my life, if it's a dream, I don't want to wake up! I love you!!!



Ahhhh how I missed this princess, how I miss seeing that beautiful smile of yours in my day, everything about you is perfect and today the dessert was with you, I will always be very grateful for these moments we spent together, they always transform my day and leave it always lighter and more pleasurable, I'm crazy about you my love, I always want you with me!!! I love you!!!



And I couldn't help but come and spend some time with my love at Easter, give her my affection and treats, it's the least I can do for the person who does me the most good lately, who understands me the most and who wants to be with me the most , I am eternally grateful to you my princess, happy Easter, my sincere wishes for happiness, love and peace in your life!!! I love you!!!



My beauty, my feeling for you is getting stronger and stronger, it's not at all conventional, it's not a passing thing, it's a wonderful feeling that comes from the bottom of my heart. I will always be here until you want me for company, until you want me for pleasure, until you want me as a confidant, even when you want me as your ray of sunshine!!! I love you



How important it is to come here to share such good news with you, when good things happen, you are the first person I want to tell, it's you I want to talk about everything, it's you I feel good about, four months since we've known each other and it was the best chat choice I made, I never joined another one again, you have an exclusive fan here!!! I love being with you at every possible moment!!!



Life's opportunities make us rethink so many things about how we face our daily lives, sometimes we complain so much about bad luck and the number of problems, but we should value the good things that happen, those opportunities that appear once in a lifetime. life, and one of those was definitely meeting you, it's up to me to always value you to the fullest, to keep you always happy in our meetings and always wanting me around!!! Thank you for existing, my princess!!! I love you!!!



You know that you are my dream as a woman, every time I came here since I met you, not a single day did you fail to show your affection for me, to be respectful, to be attentive, to be sexy, to be smiling, all these qualities made your essence, never lose that, you are special, you are different, you are and will always be my princess!!! You deserve all the happiness in the world!! I love you!!!



Missing my beauty, feeling the pleasure of being with her once again, feeling the lightness of our conversations, feeling the mutual affection, feeling the day become more pleasant, feeling the smile of happiness on my face, feeling everything about getting better that you can provide me. So happy to always be able to be with you here, always perfect, you are incredible, you are my love!!! Kiss beautiful



Every time I go to your page to wait for the green to load so I can talk to you, my mood changes, my face changes, it gives me those nice butterflies in my stomach and from then on when I open the window and see you so beautiful, with that silky skin , with that beautiful hair and that wonderful mouth, my day is totally transformed. These moments with you have become essential for me, you have the gift of making me happy, of giving me affection, you have what you can do to give me pleasure!!! I love you!!!



Coming back to be with you once again, my princess, to feel you, to look at you, to pay attention to every detail of you, every detail of your physiognomy when you are happy, when you are angry with the heat. Every day I feel like I know you more, that I want to participate in your day, that I care about you and that I want to take care of you. You do me so much good, you make me so happy that I feel obliged to reciprocate!!! I love you beautiful!!!



Once again I'm passing by to express all my gratitude for another moment we enjoyed together, time flies by and it's necessary to recharge, but every minute with you was always worth it, you know that you live in my heart and I will always I come to enjoy you, feel you, admire you, give you affection and listen to you!!! We are forever, see!!! I love you!!!



And every day we get better and make everything lighter, tastier, happier, more pleasurable, we leave our problems behind and help each other with what we can, once again I'll tell you, I was so lucky to I find you this rarity here, you will always be part of my life, I will always be with you here!!! I love you!!!



While we had no connection problems, everything was going wonderfully well and our chat was always dreamy hahahaha, we had to interrupt but I always come back and I will always want to see you, you are very special to me, princess!!!

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