Madamme Tattoo Offline
Last Seen: May 7, 2024

Madamme Tattoo Subscribe

  • 209 Reviews
3714 Followers 3453 Likes
Last Seen: May 7, 2024

I may look like a soul reaper but I'm just a hottie in existential ecstasy

on 03/19/2024
Madamme Tattoo

Madamme Tattoo


Hi ❤️ I'm traveling around and now the times are very limited to talk to me! Want to make sure you can find me online or set up a chat? Send me a message ❤️ kiss.


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Sometimes distance separates, but it also causes excitement. This feeling of power and not being able at the same time, having and not having, being and not being, the duality of feeling and imagining being enough and the feeling of not being able to bear the distance anymore... Have you ever asked yourself what you need for two people? feel an almost instantaneous attraction to the point that they forget the universe they live in, rules and limits and everything revolves around a single moment? Or two people complete each other to the point of falling in love? As if it were a dream, actually waking up from a dream. Everything seems distant and close at the same time. But in an intangible way. Life is too short not to throw ourselves into the abyss of desire, because we never know when it might be the last time we see or talk to someone.

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