Special message Send a message Notify me when online Cancel You have more than 50 Crushes! 4 likes 12/12/2024 Publish spotter-sp absent yes, forgotten never. the time will come when the lone wolf will howl again. until then he keeps the feeling he learned from his owner, of preserving himself so that at a given moment he can give her pleasure. 🐺 01/23/2025 morenoalto-47204 It's impossible not to fall in love with you🔥 12/12/2024 Having your passion makes me sooo happy, baby! 12/12/2024
spotter-sp absent yes, forgotten never. the time will come when the lone wolf will howl again. until then he keeps the feeling he learned from his owner, of preserving himself so that at a given moment he can give her pleasure. 🐺