Passing by to warn you that, starting today, all users who are in a hurry to see me naked, or who make me feel pressured in some way, will be duly reported to the site, thus having their account activities at risk. No model is here for charity, it's extremely annoying when you guys devalue us, I'm already tired of being disrespected and I will no longer tolerate this psychological abuse. Understand that: Camgirl service IS LUXURY. If you don't want to spend, don't bother the model. Thank you to all the other users who respect my work and value me as a model, they really deserve all my dedication, time and sympathy. Have a good weekend everyone, who deserve it, of course.

Guys, it doesn't matter if the person doing it is a guy who likes to feel "younger" or if it's a guy who wants you to be the "younger" person, ag*play is disgusting because most of the time it never involves an acceptable age range. DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE SEXUALIZATION OF MINORS. It's disgusting and criminal.

@jxaMsmsms completely clueless, DO NOT ACCEPT CHAT.

To customers who like to go straight to the point and see the tit in 2 minutes: that's what gifts are for!
Models don't take on clients who don't want to pay for their time! Don't do charity!
There's nothing more annoying than a desperate man and a cow hand, really. It gives an absurd disgust!