I'm the owner of your ass but let's agree that to suck this precious thing is worth it, isn't it? Every time I fuck you on all fours, he doubles in size with so much lust and I just sit on the edge of the bed with my legs wide open and a mini penis is available for you to suckle like a calf until milk spurts into your mouth! When you suckle nice, I squirt 3x in a row ... and it gets harder and more swollen in your mouth. So tell me if it's not worth giving me that ass with the will? Tell me if it's not worth becoming my naughty little bitch? The more my bitch you are, the more I want to come in your mouth and give you my ass, I feel it! My lust comes from there: from the ability you have to give yourself body and soul to me! The ability you have to ignore taboos and destroy paradigms just like me! Of the availability you have to be mine at that moment! I like it at maximum intensity, so I drive you to the madness of pleasure... because it fascinates me. So be mine! #INVERSION

sissysasha I cum really fast like this hehehe 💦💦💦