Lico Dotado Subscribe

  • 223 Reviews
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Last Seen: 5 hours ago
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Lico Dotado Subscribe

  • 223 Reviews
4707 Followers 6968 Likes
Last Seen: 5 hours ago
Lico Dotado

Lico Dotado


Hey guys, I'm going to tell another bitching story that happened to me, this one is recent!!! I confess to everyone that I always wanted to eat some guy's ass at the mall, I don't know where this fantasy came from, but I had never been able to fulfill it until this moment that I'm going to narrate. I was walking around the city mall on Sunday, when I saw a guy looking at me steadily while he had a soda at the table, I was analyzing the guy. He wore shorts, sneakers, cap and sweatshirt. He looked like he was just out of his teens... I approached his desk and introduced myself, he smiled as if he also approved of my appearance. To my surprise he seemed a little effeminate, his voice gave him away... Even so I wanted to roll up his ass, I thought about it while talking and my cock exploded from being so hard under my pants. I told him that and he was very direct and told us to go to the mall's bathroom. - Here? – I asked in amazement. - IT IS. - he said. – Some have sex in the bathroom of this mall and it's quiet! Without holding back on how crazy I was doing, or maybe because it turned me on more, I agreed and we went to the bathroom. Luckily for us it was empty and we got into one of the stalls, so he sat on the toilet and unceremoniously pulled my cock out and then fell into his mouth. I almost came right away, the kid was very horny and sucked like a little bitch. I had my cock sucked while my balls were caressed as if he was milking them. I thought everything was delicious and, getting more and more excited, I held her head and started to put it as if I was eating her little mouth. It didn't take long for me to fill her with my cum. I don't know if he would swallow it or not, but I stopped him by holding his head, pressing against me and forcing the fag to feel all my milk that must have splashed up his throat. Even after feeling this pleasure, I told him to keep sucking until I completely recovered my erection. As he was good with the pacifier I felt my dick harden and I asked him to take off his pants and turn around to me. He lowered his shorts, underwear and leaned against the wall, I thought that scene was horny, having the guy offering himself to me like that. So I snuggled my dick in your ass and put all the fury and horny I've accumulated for years. I must have been kind of stupid in penetration, because even though I didn't have such a big dick I made the kid moan in pain when I felt my dick roll up all at once, even my dick hurt to come in grating like that. I discovered that my real lust was to fuck like that, with force and violence. I stuck to him from behind and kept punching him while he groaned that he was hurting. - You didn't want to give me your ass? Don't like to take rolls? Now can handle! - I whispered in his ear while I put it in his ass. Little by little he let himself be dominated by my stupid way and started to enjoy it, I discovered this, because he said to me: - Go... Fuck me! Roll me up all, my hot male! I put up to come inside that hot ass filling your ass with my milk. After that, we headed towards the exit of the mall and we left... I gave him my wrong number... Because I just wanted to kill the will at that time! But who knows, maybe I won't find him again at the mall... #contoerotic

gui3012 I want to go to that mall
Lico Dotado
I will send the address 10/20/2022