Letícia Lary Offline
Last Seen: 3 days ago

Letícia Lary Subscribe

  • 127 Reviews
1920 Followers 215 Likes
Last Seen: 3 days ago



... words... Words I don't think I know what to write anymore, you do me so much good, I can't even tell you how much your smile warms my heart, the joy you give me takes me away from all my problems, makes me live as if I were in a dream. I admire you more and more every day, I know this is repetitive. But you make me very happy. Thank you for coming into my life, making me grow and learning to value our moment together here. My heart always quickens when I see you, my world stops just to see you. I love you




How talking to you makes me happy, it can be 15 minutes or 2 hours, it always makes my day, afternoon and night better, your smile has the power to take all the weight of the world off my shoulders and make me smile. As I love being with you here, I want to stay for hours and hours listening to all your stories, knowing how your day was and what your dreams were. It makes me take a deep breath with my heart racing. Thank you very much for doing me so much good, every second becomes special when I'm with you. I love you, your light makes me love you more every day.




When I see you my eyes fill with joy my heart beats faster. When I see your smile I lose my breath, I lose my words, how being with you makes me feel so good, my world turns in a unique direction when I'm with you, I want to be better every day so I can have the honor of looking into your eyes. I admire you more and more every day. I'm always with you in my thoughts, when I close my eyes my smile lights up my mind, when I'm sad I remember you from our conversations, our dreams. How special you are to me, what an honor it is to be here and to be able to see you, I want you to have more and more success and happiness, from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy. Ass your not-so-secret admirer I love you.

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