Meus amoresssss ajudem essa goxxxtosa 😏 Qual horário vocês gostariam de me ver por aqui?

Hi everyone, good morning, wishing you a wonderful week and letting you know that today I'm going to undergo surgery, I'll be resting for 3 to 4 days without logging in. Don't forget me! Little gift are very welcome welcome. See you soon... kisses 💋

Hi my loves, who's coming to keep me company today? I'll wait for you from 15:00
Happy horn day to my little horns 🐮

I'm going to record personalized content today, if you want to enjoy it, DM me.

Today online from 15:00
I will be back in a moment!!!
Online today from 15:00
Back today from 15:00 😈

Videos only available until tomorrow
All videos at 10 credits... Only available until Sunday.