Larissinha Mi Offline
Last Seen: 10 hours ago

Larissinha Mi Subscribe

  • 19 Reviews
1339 Followers 13 Likes
Last Seen: 10 hours ago

In the garden of life, Larissinha shines, a name in the diminutive, small, but of great beauty, a beauty that fascinates, with overflowing sympathy and intelligence, girl and woman, so young to enchant, her eyes reflect an unparalleled wisdom, as if the time on your shoulders were it not for grief, divine creation, in you I see perfection, from the mind of the great Creator, in your expression, you are like the dawn that awakens the day, your voice, like poetry that enchants and seduces, awakens in hearts the tenderest light, even so young, you are wise as time, understanding secrets, drawing the firmament, your diminutive name contrasts with your greatness, a rare beauty, which is expressed in every gesture 🥰

Thank you my love…
