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Lara Baroni Subscribe

  • 2662 Reviews
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Last Seen: 10 minutes ago

Among them # 3: Perfect for me (Lesbian Tale) Mari Rosa My hand painted with red nails held the metal barrel. I also ran the back of my knee against the cold barrel, feeling a slight shiver and whirled through it once. I shifted my position still with my fingers on the barrel and tossed my brown hair back, lightly cocking my butt. The smell of smoke, drink, and cigarette invaded my nose. It was an intoxicating scent, in which he did not particularly like it. But it was conducive to the place. The reddish lights of the nightclub left everyone with almost the same skin tone as their clothes. That was my job. Go up every day on this little black platform with lights on its edge and introduce myself, holding that huge cold metal barrel and dancing to whoever I wanted to see. I was not a prostitute, the people here who came to see me did not pay me for it. I was a dancer, a dancer just trying to make a living. An easy money to seduce basket men. I did not do private shows, ever. But he went to her through that door. When I saw her, I completely lost the structures. Now it had been three weeks since she had come, every Thursday, and when I came in to make my presentation and see her, I danced all my music looking at her. I worked hard, really wanting to show everything I could show. And today, Thursday, and there she was. In the corner of the bar with his black suit fully lined, with two open buttons of his social shirt and black tie slightly loose. Even from a distance, I could see her black hair with silver wire - definitely a woman in her middle age - in a ponytail.

She was beautiful. I leaned my back against the metal barrel and drained it with a sly smile on my mouth as I stared at her through the nightclub. She lifted her perfectly drawn eyebrow and lifted a glass of whiskey from her right hand. He offered me a minimalist smile and brought the glass flattened to his lips. He drank the brown liquid, but his black eyes as night continued to face me. I could lose myself in them. I licked my lips unconsciously and my whole body reacted to his gaze. I felt pathetic about it, getting lost by a woman I never changed a word to. The music was playing and I always danced for her. With each movement, with each roll, each time my hands touched my body. Everything was absolutely for her. So she did what she always did. He took one last sip of his whiskey, got up by hitting the sleeve of his black suit, reached for his wallet in his pants pocket, and threw a note to the bartender. She ran her hand through the ponytail of her hair and looked at me one last time, playing one last minimalist smile. He turned his heels and walked quietly out of the club with all its grandeur. She was a woman who had an arrogant and authoritative gait. No wonder she was about six feet tall. I had never seen a woman so tall, as she and I with my miserable 1,65 disappeared beside her. The music was not over and she was gone. Now, I did not care so much about getting engaged. My favorite look was gone, but when this woman was here, I imagined just me and her in the whole nightclub and all my attention was focused on her. It was as if I wanted her to feel pleasure just seeing me. God, I wanted to give pleasure to a woman I did not even know. It was to laugh so pathetically. The song is over. Applause. Shouts filled with pleasures. Cigarettes. Money. I crouched down, picking up the notes, smiling unpretentiously, and went out into the wings.

The place is tight, muffled, with mirrors, benches full of makeup and macaws with various erotic clothes. The movement was not like Saturday. There was only Tina and Lucy getting ready for next number. She wore purple lipstick with bare breasts, while Lucy held the cigarette with her mouth and her hands worked to put on a blue corset. Hey Girl. Lucy said with difficulty, rolling the cigarette in her mouth full. Hello, "he said softly with a smile on his lips, as he opened the drawer and took out a small velvet pouch, where he kept the money he got for the night. How's the move? Lucy kept putting the cigarette between the gauge and the middle. He took a deep swallow and his cheeks faded inward. Ah, fifth. I shrugged. Was your girl there? "This time it was Tina who spoke staring me through the mirror. What? Come on, the girl with an expensive suit who always comes to see you. It should be the fourth time she's coming, right? Tina said raising both eyebrows, before rubbing her lips against each other to fix the lipstick better. I did not ... "I tried to argue something, but I was interrupted when Marcelo appeared. Marcelo was the owner of the club. He was a good boss, but a bigger brand spender. Hey, Scarlett. "He called me and I came to hug me. It was strange, I was a dancer who danced only in a lingerie, but when people saw me off the stage, I felt embarrassed. Maybe it was the fact that overall I did not feel good around men, do not get me wrong. I liked them, but not in my bed. I liked women, right now in one in particular. - Someone wants a private dance. Marcelo warned, leaning his shoulder and arm on the doorframe. "Marcelo, you know I do not do that. I argued a little irritated. "Well, I think maybe for her you will make an exception." - She? My voice came out slightly shaken. Was she herself? "The woman who comes here on Thursdays, she seemed irreducible.

I told you that you did not do private dances. But she said she only wants you and paid twice what she's asked for. - There is! I knew she was in love with you. Lucy said behind me, laughing softly. "I said I'd talk to you first, but she already paid you and said you'd know she'd come." Marcelo pointed. How pretentious. God, what woman is that? "May I send you to the private room?" Marcelo asked. - Go on, girl. Tina encouraged me by slapping the back of my thigh. I swallowed hard and my heart beat hard against my ears. Me alone in a room with this woman. I wet my lips with my tongue and waved. - Okay. 10 minutes. - Marcelo said putting two fingers on his forehead to greet me and turned. "We have to make you look beautiful. - Tina said excitedly taking me by the shoulders and sitting in the chair low in front of the mirror. - Lucy choose the best lingerie in this place and I'll do the makeup. I chuckled, but I was still completely nervous. God, Scarlett, where did you get in? I was already standing in front of the door and my hand was hanging from the doorknob. I could already hear the music playing on the other side. I had to go, but because I still could not turn the fucking knob. I had never felt this way before, something was taking me to her, but a terrible fear haunted me. It was now or never. I turned the knob and opened the door. And there she was. He sat on the couch with one arm outstretched and another holding a glass of whiskey. His suit was open, his blade lightly crooked, and two buttons of his collar open. I closed the door behind me and she set the glass of whiskey on the glass table beside the black couch. She stared at me with her black gaze, with evident hunger. His eyes roamed my body and wherever they passed I felt a pleasant shiver and my center tightened. She uncrossed her leg and settled on the sofa licking her lips. Cum. It was now or never, I repeated.

I took a deep breath, shaking my brown hair and grinding my teeth. I was going to show who was in charge. I started walking toward her, but not just walking, did I? I threw my hip with every step I took until it stopped in front of me, I put my left leg just a little farther forward and it made her pull her knees farther apart. The woman passed her eyes on me again and lifted them up until they stared at me. I smiled and leaned forward, curling my hands on the couch, one on either side of her head. I approached until I could feel his breath. She smelled of whiskey and cinnamon. I wiggled my hip a little and my thigh touched hers and the woman opened her mouth a little, as if she had been taken by the aura of pleasure that we have built since my presentation. I smiled and got back on my feet, ran my hands over my hip and my waist as I began to move slowly, slowly. Letting her taste every precise movement of my hips. She looked at me, not missing anything at all. I began to increase the movement by placing my hands in my hair and throwing my head back in a low laugh. The woman moved, loosening her tie and moving on the couch. I turned around and purposefully poked my ass and then I touched it. I placed both of my hands on each of her knees. I went down to the floor, then straightened as I rocked my hip. I did this three times, before she opened my legs more and encouraged me to come in more. And of course I did. But this time when I came down, my ass found her lap. I shrugged and heard a low moan. It came out like a grunt, a growl that my whole body shivered and automatically tucked my hip into his lap. I watched as his hand tightened on the couch and his nail-free nails sank into the stew. I would die today. Assurance. I licked my lips and continued to move, stretching my spine and tossing my hair more and more seductively.

Her hand lifted, but she hesitated and put it back on the couch. She wanted to touch me. I turned, putting my knees on the couch and stood on top of her. She stared at me and her eyes lowered and shamelessly without any reproach and looked at my panties. Fixing her gaze between my legs. Of course I reacted, felt my belly tighten. I crouched and sat on his lap, his mouth opened again, becoming slightly open. So closely. I finally managed to see her beauty better. She was really a beautiful woman, with black eyes, straight black hair with silvery strands, her lower lip was fuller than the upper one, and small lines of expression marked a little around her mouth. Just like her eyes, but that did not make her any less attractive. On the contrary, I found it even more interesting and thought-provoking. I approached and my breasts touched hers and my mouth stopped near her ear. I sighed against the sensitive skin and realized that his hand again pressed the upholstery of the sofa. I could not resist. - Touch me. "It was supposed to come out as a requirement, but I was so overwhelmed by this woman that my demand came out more like a request. Slowly her hands went down until they her long fingers touched my thick thighs. I moaned and she squeezed me, digging her little nails into my skin. I stared back at her and began to sway against her. Rolling more and more sensually, rubbing me more and more and his hands roamed my thighs. They came up touching my ass, squeezing each band until they stopped at my hip and the woman pushed for our bodies to rub more. And I kept rolling around holding his strong shoulders and my already burning center repeatedly touched his thigh. I could reach the climax like that. His hands went higher until they stopped in the middle of my spine and his fingers pressed for me to move closer to her.

I was. My breasts touched hers again and my mouth was inches away. I licked my lips and it was I who joined our mouths. Her lips fit perfectly against mine and she sucked my bottom. I groaned into his mouth and pressed closer against her. It was then that the song played and the fog of pleasure flickered slightly. But his mouth remained on mine, savoring me with hunger. Taking her time and I threw myself even more against her. A knock on the door. Two knocks on the door. Three knocks on the door. And the charm is over. I pulled away a little. Her eyes were closed and her mouth swollen with a faint smirk. The presentation was over. I made mention of getting out of his lap, but his eyes opened quickly and his hands held me. We stared for a few seconds and felt his fingers on my left cheek. - Your name? His voice was thick and powerful. My whole body shivered. Scarlett. - Allie. - I answered saying my real name. - Wonderful. She said seriously. I smiled and bit my lower lip. "You, my dear, are beautiful. She spoke again with her hand to my neck. I felt my temples warm. "And you, what's your name?" I asked in a weak voice, dominated by the beauty of the black-eyed woman. She smiles predatorily. "Miss Watson, but you can call me Joanna." "Joanna, will I see you again?" The question again came out as a request. God, I wanted to see this woman over and over again. - You can be sure that. Maybe, now not just Thursdays. She spoke hoarsely and her lips brushed lightly against mine. "Not just every Thursday." I repeated with a smile on my lips. This time when I got up, she allowed it. Joanna took the whiskey glass and took one last bite. I nodded and she smiled predatorily. "Not just every Thursday." "This time it was she who spoke.

For over three years collecting dreams all over the world for my World Dream Atlas project, one of the things I discovered is that Freud was right: "Most adult dreams contain sexual material and expressions of erotic desires" . I have discovered that this is absolutely true. Erotic dreams are very common, but the shame is still so great that I get more requests for anonymity for this kind of reporting than for dreams of murder. I have a whole series of pictures of hands, without names of people who dreamed that they were having sex with their parents or brother. "I was 19 when I had the dream: a big black snake curled up on my forearm. She could feel her body throbbing. She showed the fangs, fixing her eyes on mine and, one by one, began to suck my fingers. I was afraid, but I did not want her to stop. It sounded like a test. If I took my hand away, I knew the snake would sting me. I think of this dream as a kind of initiation - a sexual awakening. " - New York, USA "It was very small and was inside someone's mouth - just a little one. It seemed something intimate and secret and maybe I was in a place where I should not be. At the same time, I felt that every single ounce of grass was welcome. It was the most erotic thing I've ever experienced. "- Seattle, USA I was in bed with a girl, rolling under the sheets. When I looked up, the bed was surrounded by all the women I ever pini, from casual sex to ex-women. They were all staring at me as I frantically tried to remember their names. " - Katchikan, USA "I have a recurring dream, in which I'm having sex with the same guy. Suddenly in the middle of the thing, his face changes and he becomes my father. At that point, I just continue what I'm doing. In the dream, it does not look dirty or anything like that. But when I wake up, I feel disgusting. " - New York, USA

"There is this great tendency in my dreams where I am trying to have sex and I am always frustrated by my unconscious." He weaves and misrepresents history constantly to interfere with my ambition. Once, at a critical moment, the woman was transformed into a ball of golden light, and on another occasion she became a black man with glasses, and at the time I thought it must be some kind of hybrid, so I asked her if the I said, 'Well, then why are you still holding your wallet?' He shrugged his shoulders and the dream went on to something else. "New York, USA I was not human.It was a creature covered with white hairs with claws and fangs.It was skeletal, with big hungry eyes and a needle-like penis I knew he wanted to have sex with me.I was not excited, but I was not disinterested either.I was mostly curious.When he climbed over me, I let it happen. Nova New York, USA "This is a dream from a long time ago behind. I was having sex with two girls and they both had power bars over their heads, like in a video game. I could see the effect of what I was doing to them and saw when they were reaching orgasm, just by the bars of power. " - New York, USA "I was in a house with this kind of guy I really liked. There was something romantic between us. Suddenly one of my students, a very pretty blonde in her twenties, came in. She is a good student and I like her. She said hello, then asked the man if she could kiss him. He said 'Sure.' They were beginning to curl up in front of me. It went on for a long time, until it seemed normal, not too strange. That dream made me feel old. " - Gettysburg, USA "I once had sex with the Crescent Moon - with the underside of the Crescent Moon. I did not know if it was a good idea, but I did it anyway. The moon had a face. He had eyes and eyelids and a mouth - but he did not say anything. " - New York, USA

I have been a domineer ever since I understood myself, I remember being very young when reading at school reports of punishment for slaves, whips, trunks, food deprivation and physical punishment for mistakes, the idea of ​​a human being completely dominated, humiliated, always left me horny. My parents were extremely young and liberal, and often went out for the night and the result was that I was often alone in the house, which gave me plenty of time to explore my body. At age 16 I met my first slave, a completely passionate boyfriend who would do anything to have relations with me, and I took advantage of it, I started lightly, I asked him to lick my shoes, I would tie him and torture him with caresses without touching on his dick, I'd lick his head once in a while, I'd undress him a little way and make him beg me to let him touch me. I kept him from having erections without me pinning his stick with silver tape on his leg and he loved these games. When it came to removing the silver tape, he was always stiff with pain. One day he came home and had a set of little pink lingerie on the bed, I said that I would have him if he put the set and masturbated for me, inside the bathroom with the door ajar, I then got it a camera that I had earned for my birthday and filmed it all, hidden, giving the impression that he had been caught in a secret and that I had not asked for anything. Then I turned the camera off and made him humiliate himself a little bit, showing my pimp as a reward, I asked him to roll, to crawl, to lick my feet, and he started to get excited again, that brat was really a natural submissive, I I tied him with open arms lying on the bed, leaving him totally defenseless I provoked him even more and after he implored almost crying, we fucked heavy, when his cock came into my pussy hurt, and I defer a strong slap in his face

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