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Lara Baroni Subscribe

  • 2585 Reviews
15498 Followers 1971 Likes
Last Seen: 1 hour ago
Lara Baroni

Lara Baroni


"There is this great tendency in my dreams where I am trying to have sex and I am always frustrated by my unconscious." He weaves and misrepresents history constantly to interfere with my ambition. Once, at a critical moment, the woman was transformed into a ball of golden light, and on another occasion she became a black man with glasses, and at the time I thought it must be some kind of hybrid, so I asked her if the I said, 'Well, then why are you still holding your wallet?' He shrugged his shoulders and the dream went on to something else. "New York, USA I was not human.It was a creature covered with white hairs with claws and fangs.It was skeletal, with big hungry eyes and a needle-like penis I knew he wanted to have sex with me.I was not excited, but I was not disinterested either.I was mostly curious.When he climbed over me, I let it happen. Nova New York, USA "This is a dream from a long time ago behind. I was having sex with two girls and they both had power bars over their heads, like in a video game. I could see the effect of what I was doing to them and saw when they were reaching orgasm, just by the bars of power. " - New York, USA "I was in a house with this kind of guy I really liked. There was something romantic between us. Suddenly one of my students, a very pretty blonde in her twenties, came in. She is a good student and I like her. She said hello, then asked the man if she could kiss him. He said 'Sure.' They were beginning to curl up in front of me. It went on for a long time, until it seemed normal, not too strange. That dream made me feel old. " - Gettysburg, USA "I once had sex with the Crescent Moon - with the underside of the Crescent Moon. I did not know if it was a good idea, but I did it anyway. The moon had a face. He had eyes and eyelids and a mouth - but he did not say anything. " - New York, USA
