Lady Bia

  • 134 Reviews
3524 Followers 1051 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago
Lady Bia Offline Last Seen: 4 days ago

Lady Bia

  • 134 Reviews
3524 Followers 1051 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago
Lady Bia

Lady Bia


We seek physical connection when we don't even leave the house, we seek pleasures and depth in interpersonal relationships when we are not even able to connect with others, trapped in a vicious narcissistic cycle that prevents us from looking at something beyond our own individuality..... And for you, what is the relationship between the Digital Age and this? Has technology affected our relationships positively or negatively? Tell me your opinion in the comments...✨ #videos . . . We look for physical connection when we don't go out or when we don't even leave our homes, we look for pleasures and depth in personal relationships when we are not even able to connect with others, trapped in a vicious narcissistic cycle that prevents us from looking at something beyond our own individuality...... and for you what do you think is the relationship between this and the digital age? Has technology affected our relationships positively or negatively? Tell me your opinion in the comments... (copyright caption)

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testarossi Social media creates illusions of connection. A million “followers” on IG will never replace what we all crave. We crave CONNECTION. Hold my hand in the storm, tell me what your fears, desires and passions are, -let’s go back to being real again.