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  • 334 Reviews
3926 Followers 2368 Likes
Last Seen: 6 days ago
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La Feticheira Subscribe

  • 334 Reviews
3926 Followers 2368 Likes
Last Seen: 6 days ago


It made me spend more than I wanted and I didn't regret it.



My Pernambuco native, this brunette is awesome, how she messes with my head, an Aquarian is screwed hahaha, I love you



What can I say about this brunette, she simply moves me, she makes me shy sometimes, she takes away the armor I have, she knows how to win over Aquarians, in addition to her energy being surreal, always happy, laughing, with a beautiful smile! She always improves my nights! I love you, miss, I want you more and more! Psst, no jealousy, huh...



Brunette who enchants me, makes me lose my temper, makes me want this girl more and more! You are amazing, I don't know how to explain it, almost 2 years and I hope it lasts much longer, I love you!



Intellectually, humorously and physically the most thought-provoking of ALL sites of this nature. And she has the same opinion about herself 🤣🤣🤣 But she's annoyingly right 🙄



The libidinous poetry of your body is an invitation to loving reading... Desirous and desirable body... Forbidden fruit... All we can do is admire... In the vain hope of one day enjoying it...



I fell in love. hahaha just like someone who falls in love with a boyfriend. incredible girl, super friendly, intelligent, the biggest risk is thinking about her afterwards.



Beautiful! Modest! Darling! Mercenary! The last one is a lie! And is the rest true?



So perfect. Good, charismatic people with topics that are worth every moment :)



I love you princess now, yes, I'm going for it, accept me at meet and if I could get close to you I would ask to touch your hair and then I could definitely say that love found me in the midst of so much darkness that loneliness brings and if you let me I would love you with sublime devotion I would love you so much that your pains would be mine and I would dedicate myself at your feet a life of love that you nor anyone else could measure I need you to live without fear in a beautiful dream for eternity and one more day

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