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Last Seen: 5 hours ago

Kéron Subscribe

  • 209 Reviews
4995 Followers 1010 Likes
Last Seen: 5 hours ago



PEOPLE, WHERE IS YOUR EDUCATION? I would like to remind you that this is a paid site. so if you want to see the naked models you need to call in the chat! I literally got into an argument with a joker who was at 3 credit asking me to show it in free and NO nudity in free chat. I'm nice to all of you but, seriously, you have some that are difficult. and above all I AM HERE TO WORK!! so please don't come asking "why don't you get a decent job?" Precisely so as not to hear abuse from a boss where nothing pleases. if I'm here it's my choice, I like it. But all I ask is respect!! ps: Sorry to all the users who come to see me, who are nice and like me!!

cristian420 Very correct ✌👌👏💯
victor-92309 Really amazing the sense of notion of certain users are extremely far from reality , true clown of certain people
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