No, I don't care about your money or how awesome you are, if you don't treat me the way I like, it's NEXT!

Gain access for R$150,00

My grandmother used to say: The day that money and a stick don't solve anything, it's because there wasn't enough of it! 🤣

Gain access for R$50,00

The rule is clear: If you saw it and didn't respond when I sent a message or chatted with me and didn't want to pay... Now, only with BB scheduling, whoever doesn't provide assistance opens up the competition. Get in line 😉

Gain access for R$50,00
It's always a "wow, how beautiful" and never a gift worth 500 reais 😤 lol

Gain access for R$300,00
Qual o horario que voce costuma entrar aqui?