Judia Offline
Last Seen: 4 days ago

Judia Subscribe

  • 291 Reviews
6233 Followers 95 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago

Bad experience. I didn't have the show, I just spent time and money! At no time was there a lack of politeness on my part or openness to arrange the SERVICE. Nothing was asked for free and everything was discussed BEFORE the show. After dragging you around for a long time in a private chat, she sets an unagreed price. If you want to do the show, give your value or refuse the service. Don't keep making your customers ot@rio. I don't recommend it to anyone!

Judia, look my kitty, you have every right to evaluate, as I also have every right to respond, and you asked me for a FETISH.... YOU WANTED ME TO FART FOR MINUTES just for the value of the chat, I told you what a fetish is with gift, and you were hurt, I didn't tease you for a single moment until you didn't give me a gift. Yes, true? In the 10 minutes we chatted, everything was sorted out about how the show was going to be. So I think the site should ban types of users like you...
