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Last Seen: 15 hours ago

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  • 97 Reviews
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Last Seen: 15 hours ago

It's funny how we get things that even without knowing we'll need, that's the phrase I think about every moment, what did I gain, a WOMAN with indescribable qualities, with excellent conversation, that I would like to stop time in The moment we are together, everything is more beautiful when you are around, you drove me crazy, that's why I confess. When you approach, my heart feels like the goddess of love is coming here. Our meetings are so authentic and true that we laugh at everything, life becomes lighter and your smile makes our moment the best I could ever imagine, that I would feel, I have such happiness in being in your company, you color my my life for laughing at everything and always coloring my world. We will still see the oludum block passing by on the avenue, everyone singing happily and walking side by side. I believe we make a beautiful couple, haha. Always have that authenticity, you are beautiful on the outside and perfect on the inside. Kisses
