To tell you a little about myself; IMPORTANT and RELEVANT! (First of all, let's be sensible, I'm here to give you a good time, so know that to experience a good time THERE IS A PRICE) Light brown hair, tall, 1.84cm, bodybuilder and martial arts lover. Gaucho residing in Florianópolis! Sun and beach fan! I'm Straight, I like women and I'm turned on by women. But I'm here to generate results and assuming the commitment to transmit/show shows in a conscious way and always respecting the differences of each person, because I believe that this is the only way I can be respected too. I'm here to provide you with good moments, with a lot of sensuality and naughty, of course ;) So if you're looking for a STRAIGHT MAN, good conversation, good company, who will fulfill your desires (logically within my limits) and who will give you good orgasms you are in the right place! Be welcome! ;P
- Brazil Nationality
- Florianópolis Location
- 31 years Age
- Português Language
marrelow This breastplate that delights 🤤