Receive my chronicles in private. I went out wearing a skirt on that hot day, my legs were sweating and my panties were right in the middle of my ass... To stop rubbing against them I decided to leave them a little low and to the side, that's when I saw him, all sweaty coming back from the gym and me in a skirt. He greeted me and accidentally some water ran down the middle of my thigh, he said it was sweat and he said: it's really hot, I'm glad you left in a skirt. Always very polite, but he noticed the situation. I blushed and he asked to talk to me on the way. He invited me to drink a glass of water inside the house, I thought about refusing, but it was really hot. And there I could adjust my panties that were almost falling down. I just had to ask to go to the bathroom. So I accepted (...) *send a private message to receive the rest* #brunette

Gatodotado019 hmm beautiful picture