Jessica Habbit Subscribe

  • 384 Reviews
2671 Followers 1793 Likes
Last Seen: February 5, 2024
Jessica Habbit Offline Last Seen: February 5, 2024

Jessica Habbit Subscribe

  • 384 Reviews
2671 Followers 1793 Likes
Last Seen: February 5, 2024


If there was a score above 1,000, I would put infinity for its beauty. There is perfection in your body, in your curves, in your smile, in your shyness and in your beautiful face. If I could meet you one day, I would ask you to marry me, not only because of your body, but also because of the way you treated me. I loved you.



Wonderful, incredible, perfect, I was missing you so much, I'm glad you're finally back



Always perfect, it got stuck or fell, I couldn't say goodbye, but it's already late, I loved missing out!!!



An incredible company, always welcome anywhere, anytime! Perfect for all occasions, from the best to the most serious! Always with that unique affection, education, friendliness and charisma! No matter how much she is absent, it is always difficult not to remember and miss her! I hope I can always count on you and have your attention! You are a special person, you beautiful person! Big kisses to you and I hope you're enjoying the holiday, at least a little! Because procrastinating from time to time never hurts!



I miss this incredible woman and person! How can you not miss someone who makes you comfortable enough to open up and reveal your secrets, vent about your day to day life, about your traumas, crises, "crazy" and "weirdness" hahaha! How can you not love a beautiful psychologist like this?! The desire is to always be on your couch for weekly therapy, full of tranquility, peace, good energy, respect, education, intelligence, comfort, security, acceptance and everything a person needs to be able to let go and have a true friend around them. your side! Jess is much more than a camgirl who does therapy and shows, she is an incredible friend, who when she can, is by your side to help you and listen to you, extend your hand and hug you really tight and nice! In addition to being fun, funny, calm, friendly, intelligent, and stupidly beautiful and hot! Because this body doesn't have these curves for nothing or by chance, the dedication that comes along with sweat and pain, but that makes everyone admire this goddess in the form of a woman!



love our conversation and time together,,, missing you already



"As soon as they looked at each other, they loved each other; as soon as they loved each other, they sighed; as soon as they sighed, they asked each other why; as soon as they discovered the reason, they looked for the remedy." When I read this poem, I couldn't help but remember you. I wish I had sent it before or talking about it, but I ended up forgetting. Today was like sitting and enjoying a long and intense spring rain accompanied by a person with the power to make me lose all control of my senses, who makes my desires cross the controllable line and escape my mind, making them uncontrollable and inconsequential! Leaving traces and marks where they go and they stay until I review it endless times in my mind and become uncontrollable while I don't review it! Intimacy is the secret to entering Jess's castle. It's hard, arduous, tiring, but the reward is a priceless treasure! At least in my eyes, I don't find anything more valuable that your person gives me, and body and soul!



Today was the first day, after years of CP, that a chat that was supposed to be just to quell the nostalgia, find out how the person on the other side of the screen is doing, share some stresses of life, ask about year-end plans, meanwhile, destiny, what to expect from it isn't it? If my routine is very normal, I cannot say the same about the outcomes that Mr. Destiny proposes me to experience! A roller coaster of feelings and discoveries that would make anyone cry with joy and nervousness! However, for everything that may happen from today, I will believe in my deepest and most sincere feelings than in the logic that society imposes on us. I didn't want to meet Jess before, because I wouldn't have learned and experienced moments that make me a better person today and I wouldn't give the true value that the people I met before her deserve, so I can be absolutely sure who makes mine heart to be a young adventurer without fear of loving and being loved!



I still feel your words and expressions resonate in my body that made this conversation something that opened my mind and my heart! I think that something that I had doubt and fear/fear became calmer and calmer inside me! I don't cosplay a romantic or modern poet or a musician who enchants his maidens with beautiful melodies and a charming voice, but I leave in my words the most sincere feelings I feel for you and for which you make me feel. I want you to believe in these feelings because they were the ones that made me change my duties for you! Not that it was a difficult choice, but that for me, you are far from being just a spring climax, you are the warmth that my heart emanates inside me and makes me feel alive, happy, joyful, attracted to the next day, because it is in him that I will try to fulfill my dream of feeling you close to me! You simply wipe the smile off my face and bring peace to my fearful heart! Today was a carousel of emotions and feelings!



Unfortunately the second part of our meeting didn't go as we planned, sorry for the misunderstandings and technical failures, maybe it was here, I don't know! Sadly it happened, sorry for the inconvenience, but as I know you are understanding, you will understand the situation as a calm and kind person like you are and will not punish me or belittle me for this type of setback right?! hehehe regrets and jokes aside, stay beautiful and take care! I always wish you the best and good vibes for you! Kisses in your heart Jess!

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