My loves, I will put the rules of my room here, I hope you are understanding, polite and respectful, so you will always have the best of me! - Free Chat is just to answer questions, I don't talk about personal matters and much less I will be talking about sex and the like, it hinders the pace of the room, don't be inconvenient. - Simple Chat: I don't do simple! - Private / Exclusive Chat You will have my full attention! As long as it is always pleasant and very polite, I am extremely polite and imprisoned for it, I will not tolerate rudeness, much less lack of respect, I do not tolerate users who arrive demanding and ordering, please be pleasant.

To the joy of many, I'm back... if anyone wants to schedule an exclusive appointment, send a private message 🤍

I'm waiting for my Easter treats 🤍

Be good, the world has too many bad people.

Today's Minute of Wisdom: If you want to find peace and joy in this world, spread optimism and kindness around you. Don't let yourself be inactive in the comfort that nothing produces. It is by working for the benefit of others that we store energy in order to overcome the struggles of life. Don't ever stop, don't miss the opportunities that present themselves daily to do good, so that good will come abundantly to you.
Do not believe that you will find perfection in those around you. Sublimity is difficult. So if you find fault with those you admire, don't be disappointed: give them more affection and support so they can make up for lost opportunities. Do not despise those who make mistakes: try to lift them up, exalting those qualities that everyone has within themselves, so that they can win and rise.
Don't let fear paralyze you, keep fighting, because everything will work out.
The value of things is not in how long they last, but in the intensity with which they happen. That's why there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable things and incomparable people.
online, who comes to make me cia?