




cristian420 🔥🔥
xdplowaz I don't need to do drugs to be a genius; I don't need to be a genius to be human; But I need your smile to be happy. Good night 💋❤️🌹🔥🥰



!peace! state of mind of a person that is not disturbed by conflicts or concerns. ("your consciousness is in p.") characteristic state of a place or a time in which there is no noise and/or agitation; calm, quiet. #hands




⚡☕🌃 When you think about coffee as a whole, in its chain, from management, origin, history and experiences, it is easy to see that it is not simple. It is complex. If there is dedication and commitment, the highlight happens, as well as the difference. It is necessary to have knowledge of the raw material, roasting, grinding and planting and harvesting. ⚡☕🌃 #hands

zl-libersl My Brazilian beauty
Yes that's it, I was just thinking about it ☕❤️ 11/29/2022
iceborg73 😘 🌹 
⚡☕ the best orgasmic coffee ⚡☕ 11/29/2022
Manu Mader

Manu Mader


Good morning dear ones! I'm late! I'm drinking coffee haha but I'm already online p guys! #hands

gremista2018 Great day BB ... miss you
Manu Mader
I'm also homesick, love! 04/22/2021
O Pietro

O Pietro


We have already talked about mouth and anal pleasure, but another part of the body that is often overlooked during sex is none other than the fingers. Pleasure often ends up summarizing the so-called “obvious” parts, but the success of a good relationship may be falling apart between your hands. To talk a little about the pleasure that your fingers can bring to the other, it is important first of all to understand what erogenous zones are, with a name that can scare, these zones are parts of the body that can provide and give you a lot of pleasure, possibly , you have never clearly noticed the participation of these areas in your orgasm, but it may have been crucial in your pleasure or in your partner. (There are several erogenous zones, in this text you choose to talk about the least used or remembered at the time of sex) In your own hand you will find erogenous zones which, depending on the moment, can be a good way to initiate contact or spice up your palms properly pressed and massaged in a circular motion, they can cause relaxation and tension break in the other, which may occur at the beginning, usually indicated for people who are having a sexual relationship for the first time, but for couples who already practice "periodically" it is suggestive to break routine or helping out on a day that your partner is tense, be creative, use creams or a mouthful conversation while using your hands to relax; it has already been proven in a survey that couples who had unpleasant sex, one of the individuals was feeling tense or uncomfortable at the time in 60% of the cases within the study. Another part of the body that you can stimulate with your fingers is a small area located in the man between the testicles and the anus, and in the women between the vagina and the anus, the perineum is one of the most receptive areas for pleasure; I always indicate circular movements, along with other actions, be it a kiss, caress or an oral, particularly, in my experiences I always see with great positive result. (laughs) Speaking in oral, I always like to remember another place very close that you can help by massaging with a light pressure of the fingers, which is the inner part of the thigh muscles, the cadenced stimulus (in the rhythm of what is going on) can leveraging the pleasure of the partner or partner, this is due to the blood circulation that can improve and provide better sensitivity in the vagina or penis, increasing and improving their oral performance, it is worth mentioning that, each person has greater or lesser sensitivity in these places, so the dialogue during sex is always recommended, start and subtly ask what the person feels like, if the person does not respond and is panting, do not worry, it may be the ecstasy of the moment and your hands getting ready (laughs), already it happened to me .... As usual I warn that each case is different and for that reason, I like to leave more specific things for a conversation, so I invite you to talk more about the subject and to exchange good experiences, whatever your sexual orientation. A strong KISS, leave your like or comment. Available 24h via direct message (blue icon next to my profile picture) or in private or exclusive chats, I can teach you live massage. Copyright reserved to Pietro Dotado, exclusive model of the Prive Camera #maos

bimeter Delicious 😋 Ahhhh I want an experience with you..... in addition to everything I've already written, reading about your knowledge about massage, so ****** and with so much knowledge..., It is undoubtedly the best model on the site!!!!!!!!*****



⚡ Well maybe I'm a crook... For stealing your heart away... Yeah maybe I'm a crook... For not caring for it... Yeah, maybe I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad person... Well baby I know... And these fingertips... Will never run through your skin... And those bright blue eyes... Can only meet mine... Across a room filled with people... That are less important than you... Cause you love, love, love... When you know I can't love... You love, love, love... When you know I can't love... You love, love, love... When you know I can't love you... ⚡ #mãos

fabinhoxyz Always Chic & Special
titio-69 My heart once belonged to a woman from here...
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