I don't usually talk much about my personal life here, but I'm going to say something just because yesterday I was watching the chat of a MOBA game and I saw a very sad comment from someone with no empathy for others. I come from a humble family and my mother got sick very early. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which is why she can't work. People with this condition are entitled to specific assistance for incapacitating illnesses. The mean comment in question was someone commenting on people who live on assistance. I also have a chronic spinal condition that requires treatment, so I got really angry when I saw a bunch of kids talking shit in the game chat about people who depend on assistance. I'm sure my mother didn't ask to be sick, and I know very well the difficulties I've been through with her. Thanks to the medication, today she's doing quite well and has no crises. But the message I leave for these mean and unempathetic people is that I hope your parents' old age teaches you to be people. best, that you never have to experience the pain of seeing your parents get sick, and that you have a good life so you can afford all the costs of taking care of your parents because if not, just like my mother, you will have to go after her rights to have the minimum assistance from the government, and I really hope that you don't have to see your parents get sick, because it is clear that you have no empathy for others, monsters.
