I'm just going to say it once, it's not just today that I noticed that I have a stalker who keeps spying on everything I do on the internet, for what purpose I don't know, I don't care to know, for me whoever does this is nothing more than a mentally ill person, It's like they say, the hater is your biggest obsessed fan and doesn't miss anything your star does, with what objective? I don't know because I've always had a good education and a good character to know that I shouldn't take care of other people's lives, now if the psychopathy of chasing people on the internet and looking at everything we do, that's all I think, the person doesn't have a life. to take care of, it's empty and unoccupied, it keeps trying to intimidate but I feel, you know what, Pity, and a little disgust too, because everything I see as a lack of character disgusts me, can I change the minds of crazy stalkers? I can't, I just have to say that the more you take care of my life, the more you fail to take care of yourself, your mental health and your life goals, if you have one, live with an eye on others, act I'm crazy about everything.
