Geovanna Becker Subscribe

  • 5772 Reviews
40373 Followers 109697 Likes
Last Seen: 7 hours ago
Geovanna Becker Offline Last Seen: 7 hours ago

Geovanna Becker Subscribe

  • 5772 Reviews
40373 Followers 109697 Likes
Last Seen: 7 hours ago
Geovanna Becker

Geovanna Becker


I'm loving my return to my profile here on the website, the lives with my dear friends for a long time who I feel enormous affection for and the new friends I'm meeting, it's incredible to receive this affection from you!!! And as many here know, today I have another job as a therapist, so the time I'm here online I want good company, educated people, who value my work, my company and my time... I no longer accept rude people , hurried and those who cannot maintain at least an initial dialogue. Today I value quality over quantity. I hope to always have my loved ones close to me ❤️ And remembering that every day I am online from 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm and during the day between my appointments!!! #breasts

junio84308 Wonderful in everything
monstro222 Wow, that mysterious look messed with my instincts
O-Rustico A few hours ago I was seeing your participation in the offensive pagoda. I loved you, your way, very intelligent, friendly, good energy, as well as being beautiful❤️
JBS60 look beautiful and sexy and wonderful 💐🌹🤩🤩
Geovanna Becker
Thank you sweetheart 05/27/2024