#FANCLUB Make me poetry, fill me with love. It arrives in silence, and changes everything. Transform who I am. Makes me half yours, Deconstructs me inside. Makes me happy. It makes me want to live slowly. Make me peace. _________________ 🍒 _____________________ 🌶 Your Love Your beautiful smile makes me crazy. Your warm and comfortable embrace is my shelter. You are my sunshine, you are my only bright star. Your melodious voice, it sounds soft, like a sweet and beautiful song. Your wonderful company, is the calm where my heart is purified._ I see in you, a magnificent splendor. A glow only yours. My admiration for you, is great, and takes the most flowery path. A great light of happiness illuminated my suffering soul. I feel liberated from the prisoners that my mind imprisoned me. I feel the peace that was lacking in me. It was you, who released me from my prison. Your love has set me free! My angel, my great love; I will be forever grateful to you.